If you don't meal plan this is probably the easiest way to save money and stay organized without much effort. It also makes the task of food shopping a lot easier when you know what you're going to the store for ahead of time.
I personally plan for the month. Before each month begins, I sit down with a blank calender and add all my events that I have going on. Next I decide which nights I'm going to need quick dinners and begin to fill them in. I try to pick the days where I have lots of time to make my family's favorite meals. Then I fill in the rest of the days with everyday meals my family enjoy. A little tip is to try to make a meal plan using the food from your stockpile to make the bulk of your meals. I personally schedule a meal for every day. I always try to make my leftovers lunch the next day or two for the kids so they are eaten regularly and I don't have to worry about one day a week being leftovers day. Any days we end up eating out instead of following the plan I omit the meal and use it next month.
Planning for the month also makes the task of food shopping a lot easier. When you know what you are eating for the month you can make a list for the store. Once you make a list, stick to it. By planning for the month you can also cut down on your trips to the store. I go bi-weekly, unless there is a must have deal.
I have also begun to dabble with freezer cooking. I try to use the 1 hour session method where you prepare as much of your weeks meals in 1 hour. I try to make some waffles for breakfast and a meal or two for nights I may be strapped for time. I marinate all my meat so that it is ready to go. I have tried other methods but feel this works best for me. I also use a timer to keep me on schedule, and my husband on track with where I am in my hour timeline.
By making my meal plan, and cooking what I can ahead of time, dinner is now a much easier time at my house. Also the kids love it because we are going to eat at the same time every day. Try it for yourself even if you only do it week by week and see how easy it makes life.
Crafty Couponing Mama <3