Learning to use coupons can be a little tricky at first, if you really want to get the most for your money. First you need to acquire your coupons. I purchase most of my coupons thru my local Sunday paper. I buy anywhere from 2-6 papers depending on the coupons inside. You need to learn how to read the coupons, what your store policies are when redeeming coupons, and a way to store and organize your coupons. If you are willing to put in a little work, the benefits far out way the time it takes to get started.
All coupons have an expiration date on them.They also tell you if they are a manufacture coupon or a store coupon.They also have an amount, and a description of what the coupon covers. All of these things are really important. If they are a manufacture coupon, which most are, they can be used at any store that excepts coupons. If they are a store coupon, they need to be used at the store specified. The amount sometimes depends on the store you go to, as some stores double coupons up to a certain denomination. Always read the words on the coupon. Sometimes they say they are brand and size specific. I love the ones that say any on it because you choose variety and size.
Searching the web to find coupons is another great way to acquire the ones you want. Many brands have a web site that has some sort of coupon, or a way to request them thru the mail. Most web coupons allow you to print them twice per computer.
When you first start out couponing I suggest you print a copy of your store policy. Start one store at a time until you are familiar with each policy. By keeping a copy of the coupon policy with you, you can reference it should a problem arise at the register. Most of the issues you will have are with cashiers that don't really even know their own coupon policy. You can show them what it states and avoid a lot of hassle. I also suggest you check with the customer service desk from time to time to check that the policy hasn't changed.
There are many ways to organize your coupons once you have acquired them. You could save all your inserts and cut your coupons as needed. This is an easy way to store your coupons and know where you have to go when you want to use them. I use a binder filled with baseball card inserts. I clip all my coupons, even the ones I won't use, if something goes on sale dirt cheap or free I may just give it a try. I personally feel sad if a coupon expires but have found an address that I send all my expired coupons to for the military families overseas to use. The binder method takes more time when you get the coupons, but is alot easier to find them when you need them. Which ever way you choose one thing is definite, you need a system or you will never know what coupons you have, and may miss some big deals without even knowing it.
Crafty Couponing Mama <3