Welcome to my blog! I feel it only right to make today, Family Day, the official start of my blog. It is because of them I really decided to do this. I want to help other mothers and fathers, or anyone in general. Why should we continue to pay these outrageous price increases? All it takes is a little time to get started, and the possibilities are endless.
Back to it being family day. On Fridays my sister, her son, my sons and myself all go to my mother's house for the day. We have a wonderful set-up for them back there. This year we made a garden for her on Mother's Day, (half of which she donated to the grand kids for their own garden). With the garden, swing set, merry-go-round, trampoline,sandbox, and ride on toys they have more than they can handle. Needless to say with the 3 kids running around it makes for an extremely long day in the sun.
I have a schedule put up on the blog to let people know when to expect posts to be put up. Feel free to poke around. There is a poll to take and will be changed monthly .Leave a comment if you feel, and e-mail any questions about any of the posts you read. I will also try to post all the freebies, samples, and giveaways I can. Those are not scheduled for one day because they come randomly. Sometimes we get notice, sometimes we don't. Hope you enjoy the blog and stop by often.
Crafty Couponing Mama <3